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Member Portal Explained

Learn about the Member Portal & How to Customize it

Updated over 3 months ago

Each member has their own Portal to share, access referrals/rewards, update details, and learn more about your program. It’s the central hub of your program and the member’s experience.

See the Portal Experience (for Members) below for a preview from the member's perspective.

Navigating The Portal Editor

Understanding each section of the Member Portal is essential for building highly engaging referral programs. Below is a short video on how to navigate the different options.

To edit and view each page of the Member Portal:

  1. Open the Portal page of the Program Editor (or click here)

  2. Navigate to the page you wish to edit from the drop-down menu. Here's an overview of each page that the Member sees:

    1. Program Landing: Join/register for your program

    2. Terms & Conditions: View the Terms and Conditions

    3. Member Dashboard: High-level overview of program, sharing, and stats

    4. My Referrals: See their referrals and track their status

    5. My Rewards: See their rewards and track status

    6. Account Settings: Edit their information and settings

  3. Edit Page (page icon), Edit Text (pencil icon), or Edit Brand Settings (gear icon) by clicking the icon in the top left navigation bar.

Toggle between desktop and mobile views (top right corner) to see how the portal is displayed on different devices.

Language & Text Changes

To edit the labels and language of your portal pages:

  1. Select the Portal page you want to edit from the drop-down

  2. Click the Edit Text (pencil icon) on the top left corner to edit the labels

Keep in mind that the Program Landing Page and the Terms & Conditions pages can be viewed by anyone with the URL. All other pages are only accessible after joining your referral program.

Brand Settings

Click Edit Brand Settings (gear icon) to configure the Portal branding settings (i.e., logo, colors, etc.) under the Portal Tab in the program editor.

Brand settings include:

  • Portal Title

  • Standard Desktop Header (ideal image size of 400 x 70 pixels)

  • Mobile Header (ideal image size of 200 x 70 pixels) - if no mobile header is specified, your Standard Header will be displayed on mobile devices

  • Favicon

  • Support Center & Help Links

  • Custom Navigation Links

  • Accent and Font Text Colors

  • Portal Language (Accessibility)

Individual Portal Page

Click the dropdown in the top left navigation to select the page you want to view or edit.

Program Landing Page

The Program Landing Page is how your members join your program. You have the option to configure a Welcome Message. Once someone clicks to register they are given three options to join: Continue with Email, Continue with Google, or Continue with Facebook. They are then directed to their Member Portal.

To edit this page, click the Edit Page (page icon) or Edit Text (pencil icon) in the top left navigation bar.

This is a public page, meaning that anyone with the link can access it.

Terms & Conditions Page

The Terms & Conditions section is the primary place where you can include all of the FAQs or contract terms your Members may have. By default, a “Not to be combined with any other offer.” condition will be present, but you may change it to better fit your program.

To edit this page, click the Edit Page (page icon) or Edit Text (pencil icon) in the top left navigation bar.

This is a public page, meaning that anyone with the link can access it.

Member Dashboard

The Member Dashboard is the primary page that members interact with after signing up. On the dashboard, members gain visibility around their referral program, sharing options, and high-level statistics on their referral program.

To edit this page, click the Edit Page (page icon) or Edit Text (pencil icon) in the top left navigation bar.

My Referrals

The Referrals Tab keeps your members up-to-date on their referrals. In this section all referrals are logged, details are provided, and members can easily track their progress.

Members can easily toggle between the card view and list view to visualize and analyze their progress.

To edit this page, click the Edit Page (page icon) or Edit Text (pencil icon) in the top left navigation bar.

My Rewards Tab

The Rewards Tab is where members can track their rewards and whether or not they have been fulfilled. Members may toggle between the card view and the list view to visualize their rewards.

To edit this page, click the Edit Page (page icon) or Edit Text (pencil icon) in the top left navigation bar.

Account Tab

The Account Tab allows members to adjust their profile and details.

To edit this page, click the Edit Page (page icon) or Edit Text (pencil icon) in the top left navigation bar.

Portal Experience (for Members)

Once members sign up for your program, they can access their Portal with all the program information, sharing options, and high-level performance statistics you previously customized to match your Referral Program objectives.

To see a live view of the Portal Experience, go to the Member Promotion section in our Testing & Troubleshooting article and walk through the steps for Program Landing Page Testing.

Zero State (Sharing)

If a member doesn't have any referrals or rewards they will see a sharing option (see below) when visiting their My Referrals and My Rewards views.

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