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Program Landing Page

Design the page for members to sign up for your program

Updated today

The Program Landing Page lets new members sign up for your referral program in a single click using their email or existing accounts (Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple IDs) without needing a password.

See the Program Landing Page Experience (for Members) below for a preview from the member's perspective.

Promote your program with the Program Link Builder (select Marketing Page as the Location to get the direct link to your Program Landing Page).

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Edit Page Content

To edit the Program Landing Page:

  • Open the Portal Tab of the Program Editor

  • Select "Program Landing" in the left drop-down menu

  • Click the "Edit Page" icon (paper icon)

Welcome Image/Text

Add an image and headline to the program landing page to explain your program (this can be disabled if needed).

To edit the Welcome Image and Text:

  1. Select the Edit Page icon from within the Editor

  2. Select Show under the Welcome Area section (The Welcome Area is on by default for new programs)

  3. Upload your image and text

  4. Select Save

Additional or Custom Fields

By default, we do not collect additional information from the member during sign up outside of their name and email.

To collect additional information about the member:

  1. Select the Edit Page icon from within the Editor

  2. Under the Additional Fields section, check the box or add Custom Fields (you may add up to 2 custom text fields and 1 custom drop-down)

Custom Registration Fields will display on a second registration page after the name and email are collected. These fields will be mandatory for registration.

When turned on, Additional and Custom fields are required. The member will see a second form after initial sign up that they must complete before joining.

Sign-up & Login Options

Configure how you want members to be able to access your referral program.

See Program Landing Page Experience (for Members) below for more details on how this works for the members.

Edit Page Labels

To edit the text of the Program Landing Page:

  1. Open the Portal Tab of the Program Editor

  2. Select "Program Landing" in the left drop-down menu

  3. Click "Edit Text" (pencil icon)

Edit Text

Change Language on the Program Landing tab

Program Landing Page Experience (for Members)

By default, the Program Landing Page will show the dual login/register screen with five options to continue:

  1. Continue with Google

  2. Continue with Facebook

  3. Continue with Apple

  4. Continue with Microsoft

Once they enter their information and name, they're instantly registered for the program and can start sharing their referral link.

The GIF below shows the member's experience when signing up via email.

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