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Program Landing Page

Design your Program Landing Page when using Passwordless

Updated over a week ago

When using the Passwordless Member Access feature, you will create a Program Landing Page rather than a traditional Registration Page.

By default, the Program Landing Page will show the dual login/register screen with three options to continue:

  1. Continue with Google

  2. Continue with Facebook

Welcome Image/Text

You have the option to add an image and headline to the program landing page to explain your program. It should be used if you will not be adding a landing page to explain your program on your own website.

To Edit the Welcome Image and Text:

  1. Select the Edit Page icon from within the Editor

  2. Select Show under the Welcome Area section (The Welcome Area is on by default for new programs)

  3. Upload your image and text

  4. Select Save

Additional or Custom Fields

By default, we do not collect additional information from the member during the registration process outside of name and email.

To collect additional information about the member (ex: Phone Number):

  1. Select the Edit Page icon from within the Editor

  2. Under the Additional Fields section, check the box to require phone number

  3. Add any custom fields by filling out the Custom Fields section. You may add up to 2 custom text fields and 1 custom drop-down.

Custom Registration Fields will display on a second registration page after the name and email are collected. These fields will be mandatory for registration.

When turned on, Additional and Custom fields are required. The member will see a second form after the initial access page and must complete the form in order to complete registration.

Edit Page Text

To edit the text of the Program Landing Page or Access Method widget:

  1. Click "Edit Text"

  2. Open the "Program Landing" tab (under the Portal Language)

Edit Text

Change Language on the Program Landing tab

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