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(Legacy) Registration Page

Edit your program's Registration Page

Updated over a year ago

The Registration page is the default way of registering members for your referral program.

When using the Passwordless Member Access feature, there is no Registration Page. Instead your program will use a Program Landing Page.

The registration page provides people with information about your program and it makes signing up to become a member as easy as possible via a short form or Single-Sign-On (SSO) buttons.

An image showing an example of the Member Portal Registration page

Edit your Registration Page:

  1. Navigate to the Portal page of the Program Editor (or click here)

  2. Select the Registration Page from the dropdown menu

  3. Select Edit Page

A gif displaying how to edit the Registration page of the member portal

Content Block

Choose to display Image and Text or Image Only. In the instance where you have a great graphic with text describing your referral program, you may want to use Image Only.

Registration Image

Upload your own image, select an image from our Gallery, or remove the existing image.

  • Image Alt Text: The alternative text that will display for your Registration Image.

Content Header

Edit the header of your Registration Page, which is located under the image.

Content Description

Use our text editor to explain the benefits of your referral program and encourage Registration. This text appears under your Content Header.

Terms & Conditions Approval

If you would like to require your members to check the box indicating they have read your Terms & Conditions, select 'Require on Registration'.

Additional Fields

You have the option to require phone number from your members. Select, "Require and display phone number" to require members to fill out their phone number.

Custom Fields

Referral Rock automatically requires a name and email for member registration.

In addition to requiring a phone number (above), Referral Rock can add up to 3 additional custom registration fields (2 text fields and 1 drop-down).

Custom Registration Fields will display on a second registration page after the name and email are collected. These fields will be mandatory for registration.

Additional & Custom Registration Fields will display on a second registration page after the name and email are collected. These fields will be mandatory for registration.

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