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The Referral Funnel: Engaged Members

Increase referral program engagement

Updated over a week ago

Every referral program has four key metrics that can be evaluated in order to determine why your program is or is not successful. We call this the Referral Funnel.

Engaged Members are the number of members who are actively logging in, sharing, and participating in your referral program. This metric is important because only engaged members will share your business and drive you more referrals.

After optimizing for Joined Members, you want to focus on making sure they’re engaged.

This article will go into more detail about the Engaged Member section of the funnel, show you where in Referral Rock you can track your member's engagement, and give suggestions and guidance for how to improve engagement for your referral program.


  1. Members share your program after joining

  2. Members return to your program overtime and continue to engage and promote it

Metrics to Track

Member Engagement Total AND last 30 days by:

  • Portal/Embed Views

  • Member Shares

  • Member Email Opens

Questions to Ask

If your members are joining but not actively participating in your referral program, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Are members sharing?

  • Are they opening emails?

  • What percentage of members have referrals?

  • Do members have more than one view of their dashboard?

Ways to Improve

  1. Audit the Share Experience - Make sure that your pre-drafted share messages are personalized and relevant.

    1. Do they connect with your members?

    2. Are they written from the member’s point of view (i.e. would they say that to a friend)?

    3. Have you removed any marketing language?

    4. Next, consider changing the share widget style to a different format that might connect with your target audience better.

  2. Improve your Automated Emails - Change or enable your automated emails (i.e., registration, registration reminder, added referral, reward, monthly summary). These emails help to remind your members to participate and keep them updated with their referrals and rewards.

  3. Send a Member email campaign - Email your members directly about the program using our email campaigns. This is a great way to re-engage members. Use the segment tool to target a specific group of members based on activity and encourage them to keep sharing.

  4. Ask your members - Survey your members to see how the referral program can be improved. This can be as simple as reaching out to a few members that joined but never shared or using our segment feature to send a bulk email campaign.

  5. Run seasonal campaigns - Consider changing your reward structure or running a contest for a certain time period. Are there any upcoming events or holidays that you could use to promote your referral program around?

  6. Maximize Promotion and Rewards - There is a lot of overlap with the Joined Members section of the referral funnel because member engagement is one of the biggest challenges when creating awareness and excitement for your referral program.

    See Promotion Ideas for ways to make your program more accessible across your various touch points and channels.

    See Reward Ideas for ways to grab member attention and get them excited to share.

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