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Referral Update Settings

Configure your referral update script settings

Updated over a week ago

The Referral Update Script is used when your sales process has more than one step and you want to track referrals as they move through each step on your site.

Once the Referral Update script has been properly configured, customize your settings for the way your Referral Update Script behaves for your referral program.

Note: Referral Update Settings are program specific

To access these settings:

  1. Navigate to the Integrations Page (Settings > Integrations) and select Referral Update Settings under the Referral Update column

  2. Select the program from the drop down

Enable/Disable Referral Update Settings

By default, Referral Updates are disabled on all new programs.

In order for referral updates to log inside of Referral Rock, you must "Enable Referral Updates".

For security purposes, we highly recommend setting your Referral Update Status and Referral Update Amount from inside the Referral Update modal. These settings will override any value that is placed inside of the referral update script.

Referral Update Status Behavior

This is the referral status that all updated referrals will be have when updated inside of Referral Rock upon the referral update script firing.

You may choose from Pending, Qualified, Approved or to use the value that is set in the script.

Referral Update Amount Behavior

This is the referral amount that will be associated with updated referrals when updated inside of Referral Rock upon the referral update script firing.

You may choose to enter a Fixed Amount, disable the referral amount field, or use the value that is placed in the script.

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